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Empowering Our Nation: The Importance of the 2011 Kalachakra for World Peace

Lama Surya Das

Last week I sat in front of the Dalai Lama of Tibet at the Verizon Center in Washington, D.C., where he was leading the 2011 Kalachakra for World Peace and heard him talk about the union of wisdom and compassionate action, and how being an honest and caring person is more important than mere external religiosity or parroting prayers and mouthing platitudes. He said:

“We must be 21st century Buddhists, not just ritual faith and belief Buddhists — and live our values in our daily lives, combining the development of modern scientific knowledge with timeless wisdom understanding. Self-discipline is the real answer to bringing about a better society and more peaceful world. Hypocrisy and corruption have nothing to do with religion or the lives of we who strive to practice according to our own traditions.”

The Dalai Lama seemed to be holding up fine, though the schedule was strenuous and…

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How to search text on your computer easily and conveniently

Searching text in files on your computer sometimes is not less important than web search. Especially when you have a large number of files and you have to navigate through them to find something.

When faced with this problem, I found many useful programs such as Google Desktop, which, as expected, tries to apply the useful features of Google search engine on the files on your PC. Indeed, it turned out that this type of programs do work, but they have some drawbacks. First of all, I had to wait a few days until everything is indexed. Second, these programs run continuously, spindling on the disk and loading my machine. This process is called indexing – search all files containing text and storing information about the content into an index.

Since it did not like this, I looked for other types of programs seeking only what I need right now. This type of search does not use indexing and the program only works when you run it. So I have found another type of programs like PowerGrep, FileSeek, SeekFast and others. The latter proved to be convenient for me because it displays results easy to view, works quickly, as its name suggests, and looks at the most important document types on my computer – text files, Word documents, PDF files, Excel spreadsheets, OpenOffice documents and more.

In fact, most of these programs open and search the files at the time of the search itself, after you set your keywords. In SeekFast things are a little bit different – you choose the folder in which you must search, the program reads the files for a few seconds and is ready to search. Then you type your search words and results are displayed almost instantly. It was very comfortable, so I decided to describe briefly how to use the program.

Generally, SeekFast has a free version, which can be downloaded from the website of the program – The free version is limited to search up to 20 files, and paid version can search up to 7000 files. After installing the program, you can use it in two ways – either run the program and then select the folder in which to search, or open Windows Explorer, right click on the folder and choose “SeekFast..”. I personally prefer the second way, because it directly opens the program and the chosen folder is ready for search. At the Status bar on the bottom you can see how many files are read by the program and will be searched.

Then you just need to type search terms into the search box, press Enter and get the results immediately. You can see the name of the file in which the text was found, and the very sentence in which words are found. The search terms are highlighted in red. If you click on the file name, the file is opened in its program, and when you click on the text, you see enlarged fragment of the text without even opening the file.

The interesting thing here is that the demand is treated not just as an exact phrase, but all sentences which contain your search terms are found, regardless of their sequence. This is something similar to browsing the Internet through Google, Yahoo or Bing . Those results that are most relevant to your search terms are displayed on the top.

To know more information about the author and SeekFast feel free visit –

SeekFast – Search Text in Multiple Files

SeekFast is indispensable tool in the work of any office worker, manager or programmer. It is especially useful when you need to navigate through thousands of documents. The tool is searching very fast and gives you the most relevant results at the top. In our daily work with the computer, we very often need to search for some text containd in a file, but we do not know where it is. SeekFast is a program that will help you easily find the file you are looking for. With SeekFast you can search trough all type of documents in a folder – Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OpenOffice or simple text file.  For more details visit –